Regulations and Restrictions for SMS, good or bad?

We’ve been in the SMS business for over 20 years, and we’re seeing more and more countries restricting SMS traffic and we’re loving the reasons why. While the restrictions around sending SMS messages is not new for Asian countries, this practice is now making its way into other parts of the world.

In the United States, businesses are required to register a 10DLC (10 Digit Long Code) or TFN (Toll Free Number) to send A2P messages. Similarly, in countries like Turkey, Italy and Thailand, businesses must apply for a Sender ID and have it approved before sending SMS campaigns. Any attempts at sending SMS messages without a valid Sender ID will result in high failure rate.

Here are a few reasons why these measures are being put in place.

1. It reduces unsolicited messages

While we’re no strangers to SMS spam, we’ve all been bombarded by unsolicited messages at one point or another. These types of SMS messages invade our privacy, and they dilute the effectiveness of SMS. By restricting random senders and implementing registration processes, service providers are able to restrict the volume of unwanted messages being received by the consumer.

2. It improves consumer protection

Implementing processes to register and verify Sender IDs is a crucial step in protecting consumers. When businesses register their numbers and are held accountable for the messages they send, customers can be sure that they are engaging with registered and legitimate businesses, businesses that they have typically opted-in to receiving communications from.

3. It enhances customer experience

By restricting who can send messages, customers can be sure that they are only receiving SMS messages that they want to receive. This means that the entire customer experience is improved because they have either opted in to receive the messages or they themselves are triggering the messages at various points through the engagement with the company they’re interacting with.

4. It promotes trust and credibility

Ultimately, the restriction of random senders and registration of numbers promotes trust and credibility in SMS communication. When SMS traffic is restricted, and consumers only hear from companies they trust, this promotes a sense of reliability and authenticity for the SMS channel.

The move to restrict random senders and implement Sender ID registration is a positive step forward for the world of SMS communication. As the industry evolves, these practices make sure that SMS remains an effective and trusted form of communication, benefiting both businesses and consumers.