/* We use the HttpUtility class from the System.Web namespace
* If you see of the error "'HttpUtility' is not declared", you are probably
* using a newer version of Visual Studio. You need to navigate to
* Project | <Project name> Properties | Application,
* and select e.g. ".NET Framework 4" instead of ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile" as your 'Target framework'.
* Next, visit Project | Add reference, and select "System.Web" (specifically
* System.Web - not System.Web.<something>).
using System.Net;
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
namespace SMS {
public class SendSMS {
static void Main( ) {
* Simply substitute your own username, password and phone number
* below, and run the test code:
string username = "username";
string password = "password";
* Your phone number, including country code, i.e. +44123123123 in this case:
string msisdn = "447123123123";
string url = "EAPI_URL/submission/send_sms/2/2.0";
* A 7-bit GSM SMS message can contain up to 160 characters (longer messages can be
* achieved using concatenation).
* All non-alphanumeric 7-bit GSM characters are included in this example. Note that Greek characters,
* and extended GSM characters (e.g. the caret "^"), may not be supported
* to all networks. Please let us know if you require support for any characters that
* do not appear to work to your network.
string seven_bit_msg = "Test message: all non-alphanumeric GSM characters: $@!#%&\",;:<>¡£¤¥§¿ÄÅÆÇÉÑÖØÜßàèéùìòå¿äöñüà\nGreek: ΩΘΔΦΓΛΩΠΨΣΘΞ";
* A Unicode SMS can contain only 70 characters. Any Unicode character can be sent,
* including those GSM and accented ISO-8859 European characters that are not
* catered for by the GSM character set, but note that mobile phones are only able
* to display certain Unicode characters, based on their geographic market.
* Nonetheless, every mobile phone should be able to display at least the text
* "Unicode test message:" from the test message below. Your browser may be able to
* display more of the characters than your phone. The text of the message below is:
string unicode_msg = "Unicode test message: ☺ \nArabic: شصض\nChinese: 本网";
* There's a number of 8 bit messages that one can send to a handset, the most popular of the lot is Service Indication(Wap Push).
* Some other popular ones are vCards and vCalendars, headers may vary depending on which of message one opts to send.
* The User Data Header(UDH) is solely responsible for determining which
* type of messages will be sent to ones' handset.
* In a nutshell, SI(service indication) messages will have, in the final message body, both the UDH
* and WSP(Wireless Session Protocol) appended to each other forming a prefix of the ASCII string of the Hex value
* of the actual content. For example, suppose our intended Wap message body is as follows:
* <si><indication href="http://www.bulksms.com">Visit BulkSMS.com homepage</indication></si>
* Our headers will be -- UDH + WSP = FINAL_HEADER
* '0605040B8423F0' + 'DC0601AE' = '0605040B8423F0DC0601AE'
* The UDH contains a destination port(0B84) and the origin port(23F0)
* the WSP is broken down into the following:
* DC - Transaction ID (used to associate PDUs)
* 06 - PDU type (push PDU)
* 01 - HeadersLen (total of content-type and headers, i.e. zero headers)
* AE - Content Type: application/vnd.wap.sic
* For this example our 8 bit message(what becomes our Wap Push) will look like this:
* $msg = '0605040B8423F0DC0601AE02056a0045c60d0362756c6b736d732e636f6d00010356697369742042756c6b534d532e636f6d20686f6d6570616765000101';
* You will only get UDH for both vCard and vCalendar type of 8 bit messages and no WSP, which will look something to this effect:
* '06050423F4000'
* Now moving on and considering the example above, we will need to determine the type of message and get the header(s)
* there of.
* string msg_type = "wap_push";
* string msg_body = "<si><indication href=\"http://www.bulksms.com\">Visit BulkSMS.com homepage</indication></si>";
* string eight_bit_msg = get_headers( msg_type ) + xml_to_wbxml( msg_body );
string eight_bit_msg = "0605040B8423F0DC0601AE02056a0045c60d0362756c6b736d732e636f6d00010356697369742042756c6b534d532e636f6d20686f6d6570616765000101";
Hashtable result;
* Upon a transient (retryable) error, sleep this many seconds:
int sleep_time = 3;
* The time it takes to retry transient errors will increase with
* each retry attempt:
int retry_growth_factor = 8;
int num_retries = 5;
string data = seven_bit_message( username, password, msisdn, seven_bit_msg );
for ( int x = 0; x < num_retries; x++ ) {
result = send_sms( data, url );
if ((int)result["success"] == 1 ) {
Console.WriteLine( formatted_server_response( result ) );
else {
Console.WriteLine( formatted_server_response( result ) );
sleep_time *= retry_growth_factor;
sleep_time = 3;
data = eight_bit_message( username, password, msisdn, eight_bit_msg );
for ( int x = 0; x < num_retries; x++ ) {
result = send_sms( data, url );
if ((int)result["success"] == 1 ) {
Console.WriteLine( formatted_server_response( result ) );
else {
Console.WriteLine( formatted_server_response( result ) );
sleep_time *= retry_growth_factor;
sleep_time = 3;
data = unicode_message( username, password, msisdn, unicode_msg );
for ( int x = 0; x < num_retries; x++ ) {
result = send_sms( data, url );
if ((int)result["success"] == 1 ) {
Console.WriteLine( formatted_server_response( result ) );
else {
Console.WriteLine( formatted_server_response( result ) );
sleep_time *= retry_growth_factor;
public static string formatted_server_response( Hashtable result ) {
string ret_string = "";
if( (int)result["success"] == 1 ) {
ret_string += "Success: batch ID " + (string)result["api_batch_id"] + "API message: " + (string)result["api_message"] + "\nFull details " + (string)result["details"];
else {
ret_string += "Fatal error: HTTP status " + (string)result["http_status_code"] + " API status " + (string)result["api_status_code"] + " API message " + (string)result["api_message"] + "\nFull details " + (string)result["details"];
return ret_string;
public static Hashtable send_sms( string data, string url ) {
string sms_result = Post(url, data);
Hashtable result_hash = new Hashtable();
string tmp = "";
tmp += "Response from server: " + sms_result + "\n";
string[] parts = sms_result.Split('|');
string statusCode = parts[0];
string statusString = parts[1];
result_hash.Add("api_status_code", statusCode);
result_hash.Add("api_message", statusString);
if(parts.Length != 3) {
tmp += "Error: could not parse valid return data from server.\n";
else {
if ( statusCode.Equals("0") ) {
result_hash.Add("success", 1);
result_hash.Add("api_batch_id", parts[2]);
tmp += "Message sent - batch ID " + parts[2] + "\n";
else if (statusCode.Equals("1")) {
// Success: scheduled for later sending.
result_hash.Add("success", 1);
result_hash.Add("api_batch_id", parts[2]);
else {
result_hash.Add("success", 0);
tmp += "Error sending: status code " + parts[0] + " description: " + parts[1] + "\n";
result_hash.Add("details", tmp);
return result_hash;
public static string Post(string url, string data) {
string result = null;
try {
byte[] buffer = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(data);
HttpWebRequest WebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
WebReq.Method = "POST";
WebReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
WebReq.ContentLength = buffer.Length;
Stream PostData = WebReq.GetRequestStream();
PostData.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
HttpWebResponse WebResp = (HttpWebResponse)WebReq.GetResponse();
Stream Response = WebResp.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader _Response = new StreamReader(Response);
result = _Response.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex) {
return result.Trim()+"\n";
public static string character_resolve(string body) {
Hashtable chrs = new Hashtable();
chrs.Add('Ω', "Û");
chrs.Add('Θ', "Ô");
chrs.Add('Δ', "Ð");
chrs.Add('Φ', "Þ");
chrs.Add('Γ', "¬");
chrs.Add('Λ', "Â");
chrs.Add('Π', "º");
chrs.Add('Ψ', "Ý");
chrs.Add('Σ', "Ê");
chrs.Add('Ξ', "±");
string ret_str = "";
foreach ( char c in body ) {
if( chrs.ContainsKey( c ) ) {
ret_str += chrs[ c ];
else {
ret_str += c;
return ret_str;
public static string seven_bit_message( string username, string password, string msisdn, string message ) {
* Construct data *
* Note the suggested encoding for the some parameters, notably
* the username, password and especially the message. ISO-8859-1
* is essentially the character set that we use for message bodies,
* with a few exceptions for e.g. Greek characters. For a full list,
* see: https://www.bulksms.com/developer/eapi/submission/character-encoding/
string data = "";
data += "username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&message=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(character_resolve(message), System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&msisdn=" + msisdn;
data += "&want_report=1";
return data;
public static string unicode_message( string username, string password, string msisdn, string message ) {
* Construct data *
* Note the suggested encoding for the some parameters, notably
* the username, password and especially the message. ISO-8859-1
* is essentially the character set that we use for message bodies,
* with a few exceptions for e.g. Greek characters. For a full list,
* see: https://www.bulksms.com/developer/eapi/submission/character-encoding/
string data = "";
data += "username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&message=" + stringToHex( message );
data += "&msisdn=" + msisdn;
data += "&dca=16bit";
data += "&want_report=1";
return data;
public static string eight_bit_message( string username, string password, string msisdn, string message ) {
* Construct data *
* Note the suggested encoding for the some parameters, notably
* the username, password and especially the message. ISO-8859-1
* is essentially the character set that we use for message bodies,
* with a few exceptions for e.g. Greek characters. For a full list,
* see: https://www.bulksms.com/developer/eapi/submission/character-encoding/
* In the following $udh string, 0B84 is a destination port and 23F0 is the origin port.
string udh = "0605040B8423F0";
* $wsp_header is broken down into the following:
* DC - Transaction ID (used to associate PDUs)
* 06 - PDU type (push PDU)
* 01 - HeadersLen (total of content-type and headers, i.e. zero headers)
* AE - Content Type: application/vnd.wap.sic
string wsp_header = "DC0601AE";
string wap_push_message = udh + wsp_header + message;
string data = "";
data += "username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
data += "&message=" + wap_push_message;
data += "&msisdn=" + msisdn;
data += "&dca=8bit";
data += "&want_report=1";
return data;
public static string get_headers( string msg_type ) {
string headers = "";
if( msg_type == "wap_push" ) {
string udh = "0605040B8423F0";
string wsp = "DC0601AE";
headers += udh + wsp;
else if( msg_type == "vCard" || msg_type == "vCalendar" ) {
headers += "06050423F40000";
return headers;
public static string xml_to_string( string msg_body ) {
* Code to convert 'msg_body' will go in here.
return "conversion";
public static string stringToHex(string s){
string hex = "";
foreach (char c in s)
int tmp = c;
hex += String.Format("{0:x4}", (uint)System.Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.ToString()));
return hex;