' We use the HttpUtility class from the System.Web namespace
' If you see of the error "'HttpUtility' is not declared", you are probably
' using a newer version of Visual Studio. You need to navigate to
' Project | <Project name> Properties | Compile | Advanced Compiler Settings,
' and select e.g. ".NET Framework 4" instead of ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile".
' Next, visit Project | Add reference, and select "System.Web" (specifically
' System.Web - not System.Web.<something>).
Imports System.Web
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
Dim reader As StreamReader
Dim address As Uri
Dim username As String
Dim password As String
Dim batch_data As String = ""
Dim data As New StringBuilder
Dim byteData() As Byte
Dim postStream As Stream = Nothing
' Please see the FAQ regarding HTTPS (port 443) and HTTP (port 80/5567)
address = New Uri("EAPI_URL/submission/send_batch/1/1.0")
' Create the web request
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(address), HttpWebRequest)
' Set type to POST
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
' Create the data we want to send
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"
Dim file As File
Dim file_reader As StreamReader
file_reader = file.OpenText("Complete_Path\To\Your\batch_data_file")
' E.g. file_reader = file.OpenText("C:\Users\user\Desktop\my_batch_file.csv")
' Please see https://www.bulksms.com/developer/eapi/submission/send_batch/ for information
' on what the format of your input file should be.
While file_reader.Peek <> -1
batch_data = batch_data & file_reader.ReadLine() & Chr(10)
End While
data.Append("username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")))
data.Append("&password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")))
data.Append("&batch_data=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(batch_data, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")))
' Create a byte array of the data we want to send
byteData = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(data.ToString())
'byteData = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString())
' Set the content length in the request headers
request.ContentLength = byteData.Length
' Write data
postStream = request.GetRequestStream()
postStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length)
Catch ex As Exception
If Not postStream Is Nothing Then postStream.Close()
End Try
' Get response
response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
' Get the response stream into a reader
reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
' Console application output
' Console.WriteLine(reader.ReadToEnd())
Dim result As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
Dim tokens() As String
tokens = result.Split("|")
If tokens.Length() <> 3 Then
Console.WriteLine("Error: could not parse valid return data from server")
If String.Compare(tokens(0).ToString, "0") = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Message sent: batch " & tokens(2).ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Error sending message: " & tokens(0) & " " & tokens(1))
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
If Not response Is Nothing Then response.Close()
End Try
End Sub
End Module